Swedish massage is one of the most commonly offered massage techniques. It’s sometimes called a classic massage. The technique aims to promote relaxation by releasing muscle tension. Swedish massage is gentler than deep tissue massage and better suited for people interested in relaxation and tension relief.
60-minute: $120
90-minute: $170
Therapeutic massage is an umbrella term for relieving pain and reducing stress. This massage does not always have to require deep pressure.dem offers a luxurious spa experience and a harmonious escape from the stresses of urban life. We are a full-service luxury spa and salon and situated in the heart of New York city.
60-minute: $120
90-minute: $170
Sports massage uses a variety of massage techniques designed to help your body feel freer and stronger. It is particularly great for those with active lifestyles. It also focuses on specific areas of concern.
60-minute: $130
90-minute: $180
CBD massage oil/cream has many benefits--reducing tension from stress, deep muscle pain relief, and inflammation relief. It is non-intoxicating and non-psychoactive. A great addition to almost any massage.
Modality using a cup to suction an area of the skin that will decompress the muscles and connective tissue. This also helps with blood flow/circulation, and aids in the body's own healing process.
Add-On: $20
30-Minute Session: $45
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